A MUST READ FOR ALL!!! Two Reasons Why You Might Fail in 2019

Few hours ago we crossed into the new year and I believe, just like many other people, you’ll have come up with different revolutions, ideas, models and strategies to live by for your success in 2019.
I want you to know that it is possible you evaluate yourself come December 2019 and realized you didn’t achieve half of your goals.
This is because there are some factors that if you fail to consider, even as you plan 2019, will be the reasons for your failure.

1. You Will Fail If You Don’t Take Action

Action speak louder than voice — Abraham Lincoln
I am a Christian but I want you to know that no matter how much we love to listen to prophetic words if we don’t take action 2019, nothing will come to past.
If you desire success this coming year and by success I mean, achieving your set goals for 2019. You need to stop planning and start taking.
Don’t make any excuse 2019. If you want to start a business, believe me, there is no better time to start a Business with almost no Capital then now. Think of how to do.
You want to loss weight, you want to hit the gym, you want to get admission etc. All these kind of goals requires a certain level of sacrifice [Things you must do] to achieve.
Do those things expect, don’t give in for excuses or procrastination.

2. You Will Fail If You Do Business As Usual
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again awnd expecting different Results — Albert Einstein
Come 2019, you need to start thinking out of the box and stop doing things the same way and expecting a different result, especially if you run a business.
There are hundreds of ways you can take to accomplish a task/goal. Instead of waiting on traditional ways to do whatsoever you want to do and start thinking differently on how to achieve that goal.
The most important thing is that you achieve what you want to achieve, the processes sometimes doesn’t matter.
Imagine you are a Make Up Artist and instead of sitting and waiting for clients to knock at your door.
You think creatively and decided to be putting your tent at big events like Wedding, show etc and make up for people. You know women always get late to event center because of make up.
But now you’ve set up the studio for them, only for them to do make up from you and go inside. Who do you think those women and ladies [who are anxious about their look] will come to?
If you fail to take action when 2019 comes and you don’t change your mentality to think differently from your usual way, you will fail.

I hope you find this little piece helpful this new year…
Happy New Year Husherloadedites!!!

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